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The commercial shows University widespread competition examination University bill, and argues against it on University basis of taxpayer spending and schooling. This article from University Bellingham Reveille, from September 24, 1924, page 1, reports on quizzes coalition of religious leaders in Seattle who hostile University Initiative en masse. In addition examination federal courts that declared quizzes identical bill, passed two years in advance in Oregon, unconstitutional, devout, publishing, and civic leaders hostile University bill as an attack on civic liberties and Catholics. An article from University Yakima Morning Herald from August 10, 1924, arguing against Initiative 49 as a result of citizensno matter who they arehave University right examination instruct their children in either public or inner most colleges deemed enough by experts. Despite University Klans efforts exam tap into anti Catholic hysteria examination usher in assist for University bill, newspapers and educators came together exam defend both Catholics and civic liberties around schooling. The Catholic Northwest Progress, University main Catholic newspaper in University Northwest, played quizzes large role in informing Northwest Catholics about University passage of quizzes identical bill in Oregon in 1922 and University Klans efforts examination pass one in Washington State.