I’ve been invited exam speak at University Caribbean Sustainable Investment Forum next Tuesday. It is quizzes free event with about quizzes thousand buyers presently scheduled examination attend, including University head of University Norwegian Sovereign Fund and other identical luminaries. Join 17 Asset Management and ElatusCapitalAdvisors on November 17 at University online CaribbeanSustainableInvestmentForum for an exciting full day event that includes leaders from University Caribbean region discussing how University best funding alternatives also are University same tasks that can lead exam University fulfillment of University UN Sustainable Development Goals. Register now!SDGs Caribbean ElatusCapitalAdvisors. Now greater than ever, investors need exam commit and take collective action toward University intentional pursuit of University UN Sustainable Development Goals. Join @17assetmgmt and ElatusCapitalAdvisors at University online CaribbeanSustainableInvestingForum hosted by SOCAP if you are interested in studying about investable impact opportunities in University region.